IPL- Skin Rejuvenation With Intense Pulsed Light

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatments can alleviate multiple dermatologic conditions. The treatments are safe, effective, and can be applied to most skin types.

Delivering gentle, subtle improvement, IPL gives your skin a younger appearance. Your skin will appear naturally even-toned and healthy without the artificial look of other cosmetic treatments.

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  • Removes most brown and red pigmentation

    Improves dull complexions, large pores, red flushing skin and rosacea

    Gives skin a smoother, more even-toned look

  • IPL is applied in a series of gentle pulses over the treatment area without damaging the skin. The light penetrates the sub-surface skin layers and is absorbed by the blood vessels or by pigmentation. The heat repairs the vessel or lesion and the body begins its natural healing process.

  • IPL photo-rejuvenation treatments range from 15-30 minutes. First, the treated area is cleansed and a gel is applied. The light pulse is then delivered with a tolerable sensation. Most clients describe the sensation as a rubber band snap to the skin. Your skin may seem more sensitive and you have some swelling, but these side-effects are normal signs of healing and will resolve in 48 hours or less.

  • Treatment generally involves a series of three sessions. While some clients see significant improvement in two or three treatments, others may require more. To maintain results, clients may opt for follow-up treatments.

  • Side effects are rare. Immediately following treatment the skin may appear flushed, brown pigmented spots may appear darker and capillaries may be more visible. To help guarantee the best results, limit your exposure to the sun for several weeks before and after treatments and always SPF.


Are you ready for youthful, radiant skin? If so, IPL Laser Treatments may be right for you! Schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced Laser Techs to see if IPL Laser Treatment is right for you!